Text can be unclear at times. Really wordy but has no real connection. Have you ever read a job posting and realized you may or may not be a good fit? This is exactly why creating a video can help showcase your company, highlight benefits and tell your ideal employee about your culture, in less than 1 minute. On average it takes 4 minutes to read a full page.


Everyone is on social media, your competitors are recruiting at an effective pace due to targeted ads on social media. So why aren't you? Use IG, Facebook, Youtube, etc in order to gain the attention of your ideal employee and allow your company to expand.


Are you able to see who is clicking on the job postings or are you relying on 3rd party platforms? Why not be able to see immediate feedback by using analytics and comments. People will tag who feel is a good fit, especially once you use video to answer key questions.


If you are ready to hire new employees by using recruiting videos, then please feel free to contact us by filling out this form here or by sending us an email at